Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reflection term 3 Alda 8A

I had a lot of challenges studying chemistry in this 3rd term since the topic gets more difficult. How do I manage it is of course by studying. And especially for the difficult topic like solving empirical formula, I need to understand it by asking to either Ms. Neri or my friends. Not only that, when learning balancing equation, I need to be extra careful even though it's not difficult. What I found interesting in this 3rd term is learning how to calculate Mr of a compound because it's so much easier than the other topic but it really requires you to focus because it's easily to get miss calculated. Actually I don't accomplish my goal. But I think I've already try to give my best even though the score isn't that satisfying, from the mistakes I made when I did the quiz, now I know that I need to be careful and the thing I really need to improve on is to always be careful and double check because the little things matter. My goal for the rest of grade 8 is to always give my best and keep up my score at least above 9. How am I going to achieve it is by studying and practicing because since the topic gets harder, I need to cope with it and since I like to keep things to myself, I think I need to be more open and ask for help if I don't understand the topic or when I have difficulties. I think I need to study more than before especially if there's a test I need to study few days before so I can understand it better and achieve my best.

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