Thursday, April 24, 2014

Reflection about Ionic and Covalent Bond by Alda 8A

Ionic bond is a chemical bond (metal with non metal) in which one atom loses an electron to form a positive ion and the other atom gains an electron to form a negative ion. While on the other hand, covalent bond is a chemical bond (non-metal with non-metal) that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule. How to illustrate an ionic bond is by using a cross and dots to indicate the electrons, using brackets for every element you draw and write the charge at the right top of the outside bracket. Also put the name of the element for the first shell. On the other hand, to illustrate the covalent bond, you just need the last shell and it'll look like venn diagram and the intersection between the shells (the middle part) is for you to put how many electrons are shared among them.

The examples of a covalent bond is like NH3 and also CH4.

 The example of ionic bond is NaCl and also MgO.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reflection term 3 Alda 8A

I had a lot of challenges studying chemistry in this 3rd term since the topic gets more difficult. How do I manage it is of course by studying. And especially for the difficult topic like solving empirical formula, I need to understand it by asking to either Ms. Neri or my friends. Not only that, when learning balancing equation, I need to be extra careful even though it's not difficult. What I found interesting in this 3rd term is learning how to calculate Mr of a compound because it's so much easier than the other topic but it really requires you to focus because it's easily to get miss calculated. Actually I don't accomplish my goal. But I think I've already try to give my best even though the score isn't that satisfying, from the mistakes I made when I did the quiz, now I know that I need to be careful and the thing I really need to improve on is to always be careful and double check because the little things matter. My goal for the rest of grade 8 is to always give my best and keep up my score at least above 9. How am I going to achieve it is by studying and practicing because since the topic gets harder, I need to cope with it and since I like to keep things to myself, I think I need to be more open and ask for help if I don't understand the topic or when I have difficulties. I think I need to study more than before especially if there's a test I need to study few days before so I can understand it better and achieve my best.