Sunday, January 12, 2014

Chemistry Semester 2 Goals (Alda8A)

In this school semester 2, I want to improve a lot in chemistry because previous semester my score wasn't really satisfying. My score is decreasing on semester 1 term 2 which makes me want to work harder to achieve a better score for this semester. I want to get at least another 9.7 more and I know I can because I managed to get 9.7 in semester 1 term 1, so I believe that if I keep on trying, practicing and studying I am capable of getting more. How am I going to achieve my goal?

How am I going to achieve my goal is by studying hard. I need to listen more to the teacher when they're explaining, trying not to chat with my friends when the teacher is explaining so I can carefully understand the concept of the subject. And maybe I need to take some courses to help me study individually outside the school hours. And its important that I put more effort when making my homework and when I'm studying so that I give my best so I won't regret the score because previously in semester 1 term 2, my score is decreasing because I don't get perfect scores in my homework like I got perfect scores in semester 1 term 1. I need to study not only the night before I had a test/quiz, I need to study couple of days before to make sure that I am well prepared.

Of course getting 9.7 more on my report is not an easy thing to achieve, but I know what I'm capable of doing if I try harder. I know it's hard to get the score I want, but you will not achieve it if you don't try to because getting the best is never an easy thing to do.

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